Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Have Something To Say

I hate idle chatter. I would rather sit in silence. I would rather be alone. I would rather watch a not-particularly-good movie and complain about it for the entire two-and-a-half hours than have to deal with listening to the bland, petty minutia of people's lives.

I operate under the belief that all information serves a purpose. If I don't need it, then I won't be told it. So when people start talking about their lives, I assume there is a point to it. Until they ask me a question or otherwise seek my advice, the only response I have is "ok."

Don't talk if you don't have something to say. And I mean "say" in the sense of "talks the least, but says most". Otherwise, you're just mindlessly rambling. It's the same reason I advise being succinct in writing.

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