Thursday, September 22, 2011


Tough love: Anything you do seriously and at a professional level will require hard work. Hard work is hard. It takes time, energy, and dedication. That does not come easy to many people, but if it did, then it wouldn't be hard work.

I can give you tips and tricks and all sorts of tactics to try to get you to sit down and write something, but it's largely smoke and mirrors. What you need is willpower. If you want something, quit wishing and start doing something about it. Smoke and mirrors may get the ball rolling, but you need enough willpower to try them in the first place. You also need to build up enough discipline to continue writing after you have grown immune to the tricks.

It isn't pleasant. At least, it isn't pleasant when you have writer's block and/or just can't get those words on the paper. Hopefully, when you're in the middle of writing, it's not so unpleasant. But if you can't even reach that point, the problem is probably a lack of willpower. And if that's the case, the worst thing you can do is blame anything else. If you blame others, you will let them defeat you before you ever really try. If you use tricks, they become your crutch.

Trust yourself. Rely on yourself. Believe in yourself. It is the only way to be sure that you can succeed when everything else fails.

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