Monday, September 12, 2011

How We'd Like To Be Seen

There is so much thought and energy that goes into questions like, "who am I?" Identity is a difficult concept. We humans are so multifaceted that it is impossible to be defined by any single factor.

There is also a major disconnect between how we see ourselves and how others see us. We know all of our different aspects, including all of our deepest, darkest secrets. Others, however, do not see those secrets, nor do they even see all the aspects of our public lives (usually).

Because we are aware of this on some level, we usually try to present a particular image to particular people. We can even go to the lengths of not only showing only one side of you, but actively hiding others.

In writing, this is made much easier. Any evidence needs to be secifically written in order to exist. Writers, therefore, have absolute domain and control in showing who all of their characters are.

As a writer, decide carefully what you want to be true of your characters. It can be a major continuity issue if you are reckless, and it can be incredibly boring if underutilized.

As an audience member, read the facts of characters closely. Consider who they are, and then consider who they might be. Do you think certain chages would significantly change the story?

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