Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Order From Insanity

Sometimes things just don't make sense.  It could be a simple error, like a sign that tells you to "Ask About Are Free Art Classes".  It could that you simply misunderstood something that would otherwise be normal.  Maybe you thought that "Insanity" was a restaurant and I was telling you to order something from it.

Whatever the case, when things don't compute, it is totally insane.  There are a few options to handle it, though.  The first is to accept it as insanity and move on.  The second is to figure out what was intended, solving the puzzle.  The third is to pretend that it already makes perfect sense and just play it straight.

Give it a shot.  Write a short story called "Order From Insanity" about a person who goes to a new restaurant with an odd name and all the goings-on within the establishment.  All those crazy, zany ideas that people come up with and you wonder how they do it, this is one of the ways it is done.

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