Friday, August 6, 2010

Don't Make The Same Mistakes

Mistakes are simply unavoidable.  We are imperfect beings.  As frustrating as it can be to know that you have made a mistake, it is important to let it go and move beyond it.

What makes mistakes even more annoying is making more than one of them.  We feel stupid or incompetent when it happens.  We feel like we can't do anything right because we keep making mistakes.

But mistakes are not necessarily bad.  Sometimes they're just training tools.  Every mistake is a chance to learn.  It is a first-hand example of what can go wrong.  Learn from it why it happened, how to prevent it, and how to solve it if it is unpreventable.

It's ok to make more than one mistake.  Make as many mistakes as you need.  Just don't keep making the same mistake.  Doing so would mean that you have not learned your lesson.

This is universal advice, which means it happens to apply to writing.  Whether it be an unbelievable character backgrounds, stiff dialogue, or using a word incorrectly, these things happen.  We learn by doing.  It's totally ok.  Just remember to fix those mistakes in the first place.  That way you can progress in your art.

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