Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Middle Of The Spectrum

The stories we tell are about amazing things that happened. Some of them are fantastic and some of them are miserable, but they're always exciting enough to want to share. But not every experience is at one end of the spectrum. It's possible to have an experience that was bad, but not a trainwreck.

In one sense, the worst story is the one that's tame. Never having anything interesting happen makes it a long series of events that have no meaning.

In another sense, these stories can demonstrate a certain despair in life. They play off of our expectations of adventure, and show us how plain life ends up being. Of course, that only works when you're doing it on purpose (or by extreme luck), but the point stands that stories in the middle of the spectrum are not always useless. They just tend to have fewer uses.

That's probably why I like those stories, though. They don't have many uses, which often makes them underused, and yet they still can hold power, which makes me want to tell them.

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