Monday, November 12, 2012

Write To Understand Your Ideas

All too often, we get these awesome ideas that swirl around our heads. Bits and pieces of it flash around and they're all brilliant. The problem is that whenever we try to make it real, it doesn't seem to work out. It's like there's something you missed or two parts of it can't work at the same time.

Ideas are great, but people are rarely given fully-formed plans in an instant. They may have an idea, but there's no way of knowing if it's any good without exploring it.

That is why writing is so amazing. It's the best way to understand your ideas. Getting all those points on paper, connecting the points, making a plan, and seeing right away what problems exist.

I really believe that you can't know if your ideas are any good until you write them down. It's not a flawless or foolproof technique, but it's way more reliable in weeding out ill-conceived concepts and creating good plans.

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