Friday, November 23, 2012

Sometimes The Problem Is You

Sometimes the world is against you. People's schedules don't line up with yours. People misunderstand what you say. Things break down at the most inconvenient times.

Sometimes the problem is you. Maybe your schedule isn't open because you put priority to unimportant things. Maybe people misunderstand you because you are failing to properly communicate what you mean. Maybe things break down because you aren't taking proper care of them (or maybe any time would be an inconvenient time for something to break down and you are too self-absorbed to realize that).

The point here is not to insult you or to say you should assume that all problems in your life are of your own making. Some things truly are out of your control. The point is to acknowledge that you are part of the equation. You are part of life. If a problem keeps occurring, no matter how you change the circumstances, then maybe the problem is you.

As usual, this applies to people in general and to writers in specific, as well as their characters.

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