Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Want vs. Need

It's interesting that we use the words "want" and "need" interchangeably. They can barely even be compared.

To need something is to require it. Without the thing you need, some catastrophic will happen. Maybe a plan will collapse. Maybe you will die. You need water to live (and to power your hydroelectric power plant).

To want something is to desire it. It has nothing to do with necessity; it is simply a craving within the mind. You may want to visit the moon, but not going won't kill you (and potentially, quite the opposite).

Generally, when people say they need something, they really just want it. We say "need" but really it is a very strong desire, and no more.

Wants versus needs makes a good subject to explore. Which do people put more energy into? Which makes them happier to acquire? How do they go about acquiring each one?

And as always, remember to do your research.  Listen to your own thoughts, but also listen to others'.

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