Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Their Story Is Not Your Story

I was talking about the band Muse and how truly amazing they are to me. The person I was talking with was also sharing her stories about how much their music helped her get through dark times. At one point, I lamented that almost nobody I knew cared much about the band. Many didn't know their name, and others were very passive about their interest in them.

The woman I was talking with said "their story is not your story." As soon as she said it, it made total sense to me. Muse's sound spoke to me. Their words spoke to me. It is because I had the experiences I did that their music struck me the way it did. Had I taken an alternate path, Muse may have been only ok to me too. I may never have had the interest to delve into their music and see all that was there.

This is true with all art in every medium. Any given painting may speak to you or not. Any given book might be exactly what you needed at that time. More importantly, it may not be what you needed at a previous or later point in time. Meaning is tricky like that. Time, emotion, and experience all are in the equation.

Don't be disheartened when somebody says something you love doesn't move them (especially when it's your story). Just understand that their story may not be your story, and your story may not be their story. And that is totally ok.

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