Thursday, April 11, 2013

High Fantasy, Low Frequency

When people think about fantasy novels, they usually think of lands scattered with castles full of aged wizards, damsels in distress, and all the nearby mountains with angry dragons in them. That's understandable because a lot of fantasy is that.

But consider a setting where there's only a couple wizards, where there's only one dragon and there aren't any princesses at all. Also imagine that these fantastic beings don't get out much and they don't even live near each other.

What you have here is high fantasy with low frequency. Stories in these settings are still largely about people and their relatively mundane lives. There is amazing stuff out there in the world, and maybe every now and then they interact with the main characters, but largely that's not what the story is about.

I really like this idea. It allows for the true feeling of "anything is possible", and keeps it just rare enough that you don't suspect it around every corner. That's just the right way to keep shocking your audience, which is always a great way to keep them turning the pages.

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