Thursday, September 27, 2012

Talk To Different Kinds Of Writers

Every writer has a specialty. They may have a couple or a few of them, but they will not be equally good at all forms or genres of writing. You could consider a specialty as the form of writing they have the most practice/education/experience with. You could also consider it the forms they have the most passion for.

In any case, it is nice chatting with fellow writers who share the same interests. You tend to know the same stories, the same authors; you can talk about the same techniques, and so forth. It's really reassuring having a kindred spirit.

What I would also recommend is talking to different kinds of writers. If you're all about action and fantasy, talk with writers of sci fi and horror. Talk to poets or screenwriters. It will blow your mind how totally different the experience is, despite the fact that you're both creative writers.

You should also be amazed at how similar you are, despite your differences. To a large degree, writing is writing. The issues other writers may have could manifest in very different forms, but if you're paying attention, they should sound familiar.

My ultimate hope for such a discussion would be that it inspires you. You may just find that some aspect that could be commonplace in a different form of writing would be a new spice to your style.

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