Sunday, September 30, 2012

Take Things Literally

We love our euphemisms, analogies, and general hyperbolic speech so much that we don't ever think about how hilarious or terrifying it can be when taken literally. Take basically any expression and imagine a child hearing it for the first time, not knowing what it means, and thinking about it really happening.

My friend got thrown under the bus. I was waist-deep in papers. She stabbed me in the back. My head exploded. He gave them the shirt off his back.

Read that set of expressions again. And really take your time with them. Take each one and seriously try to imagine them happening and then try to figure out how and why it happened at all.

You could probably find a lot of creativity by taking things literally. It can start you thinking about normal things in weird ways. It can turn the mundane into the magical. If you are struggling for ideas, just find any common expression, take it literally, and start writing it down.

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