Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Weather Is Always There

In every story that takes place, there is weather. The weather is not often mentioned though; the authors, in those cases, must have assumed it was the default weather conditions. As funny as it sounds, there actually is a default weather.

If nobody tells us what the weather is like, we will assume it is a mild, spring day. The sky is blue with a handful of perfect puffy white clouds in it, the kinds that one may stare at and look for shapes in for hours on end. The temperature is such that you want break a sweat while walking around, but you won't get cold if you just sit around.

Default weather is pretty luxurious. It's the kind of weather that only actually happens 2-4 times per year. And, depending on the lay of the land in your stories, it may not be that common there, either. The weather is oft-ignored, but omnipresent.

Next time you're telling a story, consider the weather conditions. How are they affecting the people? What would the story be like if it was happening 6 months later?

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