Saturday, September 7, 2013

The First Taste Of New Success

The worst thing in writing (or most endeavors) is not our failures; it's our plateaus. When we do something wrong, we realize it and can correct it and do better. But a plateau is a feeling where no matter how hard you try, you just can't get any better. 

What makes plateaus even worse is that you have no idea how long it will be until you go on to the next level (or if you even do at all). So there is this time where you feel like you're spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. 

So when you finally do get to a new level, it is a truly marvelous thing. No matter how slight it may be, once you get that first taste of new success, enjoy it like the celebration that it is. You should also use it as inspiration to keep forging ahead. New success is only the first stage toward real significant success. 

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