Thursday, August 22, 2013

Who Watches The Watchmen?

Stories that involve power and corruption usually boil down to a timeless question: Who watches the watchmen? Basically, anybody who has more power than the rest of the people could easily become corrupted and abuse that power. So if somebody has the right and authority to watch over us to make sure we're not being bad, then who makes sure that those watchers aren't being bad?

This is a serious question to ask, but one that is not terribly easy to answer.  The problem is that if you create a second level of watchmen, then who watches them? And if you can't throw more watchmen at a problem to fix it, then what can be done? Is it a fixable situation?

Find your own answers. Explore them in your stories. And if you think you have something that works, figure out how to implement it in the real world.

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