Sunday, August 25, 2013

Find Somebody Better Than You

One of the best pieces of advice, in writing and in life, is to find somebody better than you. Learn everything you can from them. Observe them, ask questions, and seriously think about the answers you get.

When you feel like the best person around, you stop growing. It means you are the best and there is nothing more to do. When you hang out with people better than you, you never have the chance to get so egotistical. No matter how good you are, you are painfully aware that you still have much to learn.

Being a permanent student is a great mindset to have. It's impossible to know everything, so you can never know it all. And if you think you know it all, then move on to a new field. 

Just don't think that because you are a student that you can't also be a teacher. If you do know more than others, then teach them. Be that person for them that the super smart person is for you. 

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