Friday, August 23, 2013

The Paralysis Of Analysis

Thinking is a good thing. It's why you choose to do smart things and avoid doing stupid things. What makes thinking bad is when it stops you from actually making any actions. 

The easiest pit to fall in is to try to create the final draft of your story before you write down the first word. You think about what you want it to be like and where the plot will go and how everybody acts, but there are so many possibilities and you wonder how you should choose which path to take.

This is the paralysis of analysis. If you spend all your time thinking about things and never actually move forward, then you won't get anywhere. People who never write because they are afraid of doing something wrong are already doing something wrong. They aren't writing. They aren't trying. They aren't learning from their mistakes or how to do things better. 

Don't let yourself be paralyzed. Do. Try. Be fearless and be smart. Always learn and always do better. 

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