Sunday, August 25, 2013

Laziness Comes From Not Caring

Everybody has an excuse for not doing things. They're too busy, can't afford it, too tired, don't feel inspired. It's all bullshit. The real reason is that they don't care enough. 

People who can barely afford food find a way to buy cigarettes. People who don't have the time to clean their home still find the time to play video games.

If you don't feel like writing, it's because you don't want it bad enough. When you feel inspired, what that means is that you momentarily want to write badly enough to actually pick up a pen and do it.

Laziness comes from not caring. If you want to write, but you aren't writing, then you don't care enough to. And if you don't like hearing it, then change something. Either write more or find what it is that you actually want to do. 

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