Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sympathetic Vibrations

In music, there is a thing called sympathetic vibrations (it exists outside music, too, but that's where I usually hear it). An example is that a tightened drum will play at a certain pitch, and when you strike a piano at the same pitch, it makes the drum rattle. That rattling is called a sympathetic vibration; things resonate when on the same wavelength.

Sympathetic vibrations are an interesting concept to consider. They seem to imply that everything on the same wavelength resonates with each other. When you take it to a more abstract level, you can see it apply to people.

When we see characters who are so like ourselves, we have an instant connection with them. They're us, but not quite us. Their actions are either things we have done, or things we've wanted to do.

This instant bond is a special one. It either happens or it doesn't. You can't really make it happen. You simply have to know that it can happen, and that when you come across a kindred spirit, you will resonate with each other.

As true with people as with characters and with stories.

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