Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Will You Change Your Plans For?

Some people are ruled by their schedules, and others tend to play things by ear, but we all make plans. No matter how far in advance or on such short notice, we at some point will commit to an activity and in some sense plan for it to happen.

But in basically any situation, there is something that could come up that would make you change your plans. Emergencies are usually an easy answer; finding out somebody you care about is injured or ill is a sure fire way to send you running to them, no matter what you were doing.

It doesn't have to be an emergency, though. Maybe a friend offers to go to a movie with you and that sounds more appealing than playing online chess at home, so you change your plans. Maybe you got inspired for a story idea so you scrap your plans to have dinner with your coworkers to go put that idea on paper.

What will you change your plans for? That's a question as important to your characters as to yourself. It allows you to prioritize things, which is a window to understanding what you truly want and care about in life.

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