Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ordered Chaos

I tend to think of chaos as a form of unpredictability. A chaotic system is one where things seem to happen without reason, which causes all sorts of stress and panic.

Order, then, is the opposite of chaos. Order is what happens when everything is organized an runs regularly and predictably.

What I find most fascinating is the gray between the two: ordered chaos.

Imagine a system that is sustainable, but constantly in flux. For example, if you have a government where unpopular leaders are executed by angry mobs, but new leaders all eventually get drunk on power, then you are constantly having new leaders, new regimes, and you never know how long they will last (or what they'll say next), but you can always count on them to get worse and get replaced.

There's an inherent contradiction in ordered chaos. And yet, it can exist without issue. That is what gives it an Erie beauty to me, and why I appreciate the concept explored well.

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