Monday, October 8, 2012

Minor Differences

The most remarkable thing I've found in all my years studying humanity is how remarkably similar we all are. Men and women. Adults and children. Theists and atheists. No matter what dichotomy (or trichotomy or any other dividing mechanic) you use, you will find more similarities amongst people than differences.

It can be a strange thing seeing people vehemently fighting each other, and knowing that they have so much in common that they could spend their days sharing good times with each other.

By the same token, it also seems silly that I have spent so much of my own life trying to understand people who seemed so alien to me, only to find out that only minor differences separated us.

In our stories, characters are either going to be divisive or cohesive - destructive or constructive. The determining factor is whether that person spends more time looking at the differences or the similarities between people.

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