Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Various Revisited

With much regret and humility, I need to talk about the word 'various'. Actually, I need to talk about the word 'various' again. I have rescinded my loathing of 'various'. It was wrong of me to hate the word.

It was never the word I hated; it was how people used it that bothered me. Specifically, it was how people overused it. Although I do stand by much of my criticism, it is not all good.

'Various' is a word. That makes it a tool. Tools have purposes. Some tools are far more useful than others. Some tools have a very limited purpose. Sometimes multiple tools can be used to fix a particular issue. In that case, it bothers me to see the same tool being used while letting perfectly good ones rust over.

To get back to specifics, because 'various' is a tool, I need to be able to recognize its usefulness. I need to know when it would be an effective word and I need to use it when the time is right.

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