Thursday, June 10, 2010

Talk to People

A lot of the writers I know are shy to some degree.  Some are extremely introverted to the point that if we didn't have class together, I never would have found out that they wrote.  Some are friendly and like to talk, but just don't like to talk about themselves or their writing.  This can be a major hindrance that you would never realize.

There is a saying that it's not what you know, but who you know that matters most.  There is truth to that.  Sure, with the internet as it is, there is far more possibility for the self-determined loner to get around, but life could be  lot easier if you had somebody help you do what you are trying to do.  And one thing I have found is that you never know who you already know.

Talk to people.  Talk about yourself.  Talk about your writing.  You may end up talking to somebody in the business.  You may be talking to somebody with friends who can hook you up.  You may be talking to somebody who has a lot of experience from learning things the hard way (and can give you a laundry list of things to do and to avoid).  Only good things can come from a nice chat, so go and do it.

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