Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reactions Are Based On Expectations

Sometimes, I do not get the reaction I expected out of people.  Whether I tell a joke or state a fact or have them read my stories, people just aren't on the same wavelength.  It always comes across as strange, but it occurred to me only today why it happened. People had expectations and got something radically different.

When I tell a joke, but people think I'm being serious, the punchline becomes a horrifying story. If I tell a sincere story that somebody thinks will be funny, they will keep waiting for the punchline and be disappointed when nothing funny is said. 

Imagine two people who are close friends.  The first one says something surprisingly mean to the second.  What the proper reaction?  In a sitcom, it would be laughter.  In a drama, it would be shock and awe.  In real life, it would be either sadness, or anger.

Just as important as telling a powerful story is setting your audience up to receive it.

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