Friday, June 25, 2010

Real Life Is Often Like Fiction

Real life is different from fiction.  Duh.  In real life, people don't have super powers.  Giant monsters never attack large cities.  Nobody drives up to you in a Ferrari and offers it to you with no strings attached.  Nobody spends a night in a haunted mansion on the condition that they get a million dollars if they stay there the whole time.  But if you look at the smaller details, life is pretty similar to fiction.

Doesn't it seem like the less likely a situation is to occur, the more likely it is to happen?  I swear, the one time you don't look both ways before crossing the street is the one time a car is speeding by and the driver isn't paying attention.  Every time I hear a couple having a conversation, one of them says a line straight out of a sitcom and the entire rest of the conversation follows the script.

Maybe it's because we are always looking for patterns, trying to make connections.  Maybe it is because art imitates life.  For whatever the reason, the next time you have to make a decision, ask yourself, "if I was in a fictional story right now, what would happen?"  See how often you're right.

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