Friday, September 10, 2010

Look Back And Smile

No matter what, it is always good to look back at your writing.  Some people read their old writing and they say it sucks, which makes them think their current writing must also suck.  Other people read their old writing, really enjoy it, and think that they could never write something as good.  While I understand where they come from, I will say that these are twisted views.

If you look back on your writing and hate it, it shows that you have grown.  It means that you have learned to a finer degree what good quality is, how to identify it, and how to improve it.  You are a better writer than you were.

If you look back on your writing and love it, it means that you have already been good for some time.  You know that there is skill and ability inside of you because you are looking right at it, so all you have to do is let it out again.

You can always look back and smile, no matter what you see.

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