Monday, September 6, 2010

Broader Scope, Same Core

When I started this blog, I had a fairly limited view of what I was doing. Although I was writing about my craft, I was very focused on my main interest, which was comics. In particular, I often wrote about comic strips.

As I continued, I realized that the advice that I gave about comic strips worked just as well with long-form comics like graphic novels. So I widened my subject area and started talking about comics as a whole.

Time progressed and I realized that as I talked about comics, the advice I was giving was actually pretty good for writing in general, so I widened my scope again.

The last step in the process (so far) was to see that the advice given about writing is largely good for life. So now I often find myself talking about life and then tying it in to writing as an example.

Sometimes I feel like I am cheating, like I have lost my purpose by widening my scope. But I know this is not the case. I am still talking about writing and still giving advice to writers. The fact that the advice may be useful to non-writers does not diminish what I am doing here. Although I have a broader scope, I still have the same core.

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