Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Can Help Your Writing?

Everything. The End.

OK, fine, that was pretty useless. It was true, though. Almost any subject you study can help your writing.

Psychology will help you understand how an individual can think and what can affect it. Sociology and anthropology will teach you how and why groups of people think and act the way they do. Philosophy should lead you to ask questions and seek answers. Linguistics will teach you the history and evolution of language, teach you why it is the way it is and what it is exactly in the first place. Music theory will teach you about sound and rhythm, which writing is a representation of. Public speaking will teach you how to organize your thoughts and present them smoothly and articulately. English classes will teach you how to analyze writing for effective and ineffective techniques. Writing classes should give you a chance to practice those techniques yourself and blend them with your own style.

I'm sure there are plenty more subjects with useful applications. If you look hard enough, you should be able to find something useful in whatever you see. We write about what we know, the more we learn, the more we know. The more we know, the better we write.

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