Monday, July 12, 2010

Why Do You Do It?

Writers are always asked why they chose to write and they always have the same stock answer.  Writers write because they are compelled to do so.  There is a burning desire to create and to share.  I don't doubt that this is true for some, but I am not sure if it is true for everyone.

Sit down and turn your analytical mind on yourself.  Why do you really write?  Is it an inexplicable desire?  Is it really inexplicable?  Could it be a sense of validation?  Could it be a special, intimately personal escapism?  Could it be that you have nothing better to do?  Could it be the validation you seek from having such a lofty title applied to you?

Do you want to be published?  If so, how come?  Is it because you so badly wish to share it with the world?  Is it because you want validation from being actively desired by the people and a large company?  Is it because you want money?  Is it because you simply feel like you have to get published because that's just what writers do?

There are no wrong answers here, nor are there shameful ones.  Honesty matters the most here.  Understand why you do the things you do.  Make sure they make sense.  If there is something that you feel like you should be doing but you don't care about it, then don't do it.  Society does not define who you are or what you do, even if it's a society filled entirely of writers.

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