Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Profane Creators

I heard somebody either giving a speech or a prayer and he mentioned the Divine Creator.  We always talk about divine creators. Why don't we ever talk about profane creators? Shortly after that, I realized that it is all of us who are profane creators.  We are mere mortals, explicitly not divine.  Any creations we make are profane.

Shortly after that, I realized that I can't honestly tell what the difference between a divine creation and a profane one is.  If divine creations are things that God makes, then the simple definition is life.  Making life is divine.  But are the practices of writers that different?  We create something where there was nothing.  We create worlds and universes.  We create people.  These people have thoughts and memories.  They take actions.  They develop their own personalities and follow their own paths.

The only difference is that life as we know it is flesh and blood, living in the same world as our own.  But I don't think it's any different.  God is ethereal, but we are not.  We are 'lesser beings' compared to an almighty one.  Writers create beings who exist in a realm that is not our own.  Their lives exist on paper.  They are lesser beings compared to humans, but they are just as alive.

We may be divine creators.  We may be profane creators.  In either case, we are creators.  And that's pretty damn special.  Go out and create something.

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