Sunday, July 5, 2009

If You Don't Use It, You Don't Have It

Suppose you are a writer, but you don't write. You're not just any writer, though; if you wrote a story, it would move people to tears or fits of laughter. But you never write a story. Whatever your excuse might be - bored, busy, sick, tired - the fact is that you aren't writing.

Now suppose you have a friend who just doesn't know how to write. Not to say that he's illiterate, but he just has no ability to tell a story. He never studied it and never picked it up anywhere else.

Are you and your friend any different from each other? I would have to say no. Regardless of the reason why, neither of you write any good stories. If you have an ability that you do not use, you may as well not have it.

If you are a writer, remember to write. My professor has said many times, "you're only a writer on the days you write." I have to agree. Now go out and be a writer.

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