Friday, July 24, 2009


You know you ought to draw, but you just can't sit down to do it. What can you do to get yourself writing?

My answer: guilt. When you know you should be writing and you can't you should feel bad. Feel guilty. Realize, too, that best way to cure your guilt is to write.

The beauty of guilt is that it can only affect you if you have any sense of pride or self-respect. If you feel guilty about not writing, it means you care about it.

The thing about guilt is that it can paralyze you. Then you get to a point where you feel guilty about not writing and you don't write because you feel guilty. That's a self-feeding cycle of depression and that's what you need to avoid.

If you let your guilt get the better of you, remember why you feel guilty. You feel guilty because you love writing, you care about writing, and you enjoy writing. Remember the love you have and rekindle it. If you have to, then force it. Mash your hand on the keyboard. See that the screen is covered with gobbledygook. Decide to clean it up by turning the gibberish into words. Enjoy the words you wrote and write some more. Rekindle that love, feel the pride, and get over your guilt.

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