Friday, October 8, 2010

Sporks Suck

Eating utensils are so cumbersome.  Who could possibly have the wherewithal to manage a spoon and a fork?  Thank goodness somebody invented the almighty spork.  By having a spoon with slits at the end to function as tines, we now have the ultimate in silverware convenience.

Unfortunately, the spork is actually a colossal failure in mechanics and design.  By having holes at the end of the spoon, liquids will slip right out, leaving only the smallest amount able to drink.  And by having tines that are so short and stubby, it is impossible to pick up anything substantial.

So what does this have to do with anything, let alone writing?  A spork tries to be everything at once, but in doing so, fails at all of them.  Writing (as well as most things in life), end up being the same way.  The qualities that make for a superb horror story make for a horrible romance novel.  If you try to make a piece of writing pull double duty, it will generally be sub par at both things it attempts.

Focus yourself.  Pick one goal and go attain it.  Afterwards, start up on a second goal.  Don't try to do it all at once.  When you do, you end up with a spork.  And for all practical purposes, sporks suck.

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