Sunday, May 16, 2010

There Is No "Right" Story

When I talked about logic shifts, I feel like I gave an unintended impression. I made it sound like there is a right story, that if you change what you had originally intended, the story would become wrong. This is not exactly the case.

Stories can end up going in nearly infinite directions. Many of them are perfectly viable. As a writer, you simply need to decide on one of them. The one you choose need not be the best one or the right one. Just make it a good one.

The reason you would want to prevent logic shift is that you have already made a good choice and want to stick with it. Sticking with a good choice is always a good idea. But if you either don't know what you want or don't mind exploring other options, don't feel trapped. In fact, even if you do know what you want, you shouldn't feel like it is your only option. Until your writing is printed and published, it can be changed.

If you write a story and you think it could be better, give it a shot. If you write a story and you like it just the way it is, keep it. The important point is that you don't keep looking for the right story. Just make a right choice.

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