Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chaotic Good

The Chaotic Good alignment is usually defined by the character who believes that nothing is as important as helping people. Helping people is always worth more than breaking the law.

These tend to be the most popular characters in our stories. They are the ones who are fundamentally good, which makes us relate to them and feel comforted by their presence, but they are willing and able to break the laws to do it, which makes them exciting and rebellious. They are safe heroes.

What makes a Chaotic Good character squirm is being powerless. These characters are often heroic because they know what needs to be done and damn the consequences. No matter the results of their actions, they know they did the right thing. But this only works when they have the power to fulfill those actions. To be locked in a prison or stripped of their tools is the cruelest thing you can do to them.

The best example of this is Dark Knight Rises. Batman, the ultimate Chaotic Good character, is stuck in a prison and forced to watch the people he cares about suffer. Truly, it is the only thing that could make him feel pain anymore.

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