Thursday, August 2, 2012

Getting Lost In Planning

I often think that the planning stages are the best part of any creative endeavor. That is where you yourself are exploring this world and the people in it, discovering the lives they have lived and witnessing the decisions they make.

Of course, the irony is that we are always the masters of the universe, and we do always retain some amount of power over what happens. So in a similar sense, the planning stages are where you are setting up all the dominoes, and even though you haven't knocked one over yet, you are just imagining and feeling what it will be like to see them all topple in sequence. Yet, the act of watching things go exactly as you planned is a short period of time.

So much more, I relish devising the plan itself. It's where you figure out what would be awesome and how you can upgrade something from being really cool to being totally epic.

It is so easy to get lost in the planning of your story. Anybody who writes for escapism and has a decent imagination can escape very easily without writing a single word. But if you are writing because you want to share your ideas (or even just your fantasies) with anybody else, it would help to record what you come up with.

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