Friday, November 25, 2011

Below Me

As a writer, you need to have pride. As a professional writer, it becomes even more crucial. Don't take "anything you can get". Have some standards. Have some self respect. Know that if you let people abuse you, they will continue to do so.

If you stand up for yourself, one of two things will happen. Either you will be hired at rates and with respect that you deserve, or they will try to find some other spineless writer to take advantage of. In the latter case, their work will probably be sub-par, which is what gives you the edge.

The beauty, though, is that, if every writer would simply say when some deal was below them, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.

Next time somebody throws a lousy offer your way, stand up proud and strong and shout out, "Below me!"

1 comment:

  1. I think that what a lousy deal for one person is is a good deal for someone else. You may have the credentials and expertise to get the $5,000 cash advance plus 10% royalyies on your new novel, while someone else might just be trying to get by, Maybe they need that $500 now to make rent and so do take the shitty deal to stay alive. There are more variables to consider than simply money.

    And maybe some writers just want to write for fun. I always found great joy when people read my stories and liked them, because that's what it's all about in the end.
