Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why Did I Want To Write That?

I always get really interesting ideas when I am nestled in bed, ready to go to sleep. When this happens, I have to convince myself to crawl out of bed, put my glasses on, get some light, find a scrap of paper and a pencil and write it down. Some nights, I am just too tired to go through that effort, so I just go to sleep. This usually means that I forget the idea in the morning. Sometimes, though, I actually remember it.

It's so rare that I remember an idea that I am super excited to get to work on it. The problem is that I usually don't like the idea. I sit down and try so hard to figure out how to write what I was thinking about it, but I just don't care. I find myself asking, why did I want to write that?

I realize now that the problem is not just a matter of the idea itself, but also a matter of passion. When I get an idea, it strikes me. My whole body perks up, my mind sparks, and I just have to write. That spark needs to be kept alive. I need to turn it into an ember so I can turn that into a fire. If I have a spark and leave it alone, I may have the materials, but I won't have the energy anymore.

If you find yourself in this situation, you have a few different options. The first one is to give it up and throw it out; if it has no soul, it won't be worth writing. The second option is to push through it; perhaps by going through the motions, it might rekindle that spark of interest you had when you came up with the idea. A third option would be to leave it alone. Write down the idea and keep it on the back burner until that spark hits you again.

From experience, the best thing to do is to start writing, even if it's a pain in the butt. At least you will have something for it. If you don't do it right away, you may not get it again. If you are willing to let an idea go and you understand the risks involved, then go for it. But if you later feel regret, then maybe that's a sign that it is worth the trouble.

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