Monday, August 6, 2012

Politics Always Matter

In giving advice to a friend on starting a new blog, I told him to be wary of what he posts. If he uses his real name, then all the world can find him easily. He may be speaking the truth, even if it is just his opinions, but if the person interviewing him for his next job happens to disagree with those opinions, then there goes that job offer.

In considering what I wanted to write about tonight, I had to remind myself of the same things. I decided that what was on my mind would be better saved for a later point in my life. It's not that I am afraid to talk about it, or maybe not that it is even that controversial, but I don't know who reads any given article on any given day, nor can I predict it, so I will hold off on putting it out in the world until it can't affect me.

Politics always matter. There is no situation where you can say and do anything you want with no repercussions. Be mindful of the reactions your words and actions can provoke. Consider more than one or two steps ahead if you can.

That said, we generally need to stick out. There are too many people and if you want anybody to care about you, you need to be noticeable, remarkable; you need to stand out above the others. That is when you need to tell politics to buzz off. That is when you need to stand firm, say what you have to say, and accept what comes of it.  Some doors may close, and others may open.

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