Friday, August 16, 2013

Like vs. Love

A friend of mine told me his definitions of liking somebody (as a friend), and loving somebody: "If I like you, then I put your needs on the same level as my needs. If I love you, then I put your needs above my own."

As simple as it is, this was a powerful statement. I am always interested in people's definitions of love, and how it compares to other personal feelings. This is an excellent example and I definitely recommend exploring it.

When you analyze a character's relationship or feelings toward another, it's easy to ask that question and to analyze them. With any interpersonal relationship, how much does one person value the needs/wants of others? If somebody does like or love somebody else, how does it affect what they do in your stories?

With all the potential variables in here, this simple thing could end up being expressed in uncountable ways. And yet, it might also show that no matter how complicated things can end up, these simple definitions always hold true.

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