Friday, October 15, 2010

Judging Authors

It is common to judge authors by the works they create.  It isn't very fair, though.  Sure, writing is an extension of the author and it can offer a window into their inner workings.  However, you can't really judge a house by looking through a single window.

At the very least, you would need to read everything that somebody has written to get any kind of idea of what that person is really like.  But even still it would be inaccurate because it would simply be a judgement based on the things that the author chose to share in writing.

I personally am across the spectrum in subject material.  I enjoy writing classic hero stories, sci fi and fantasy, slice of life, comedy, horror, children's books, essays, and so on.  Now, if you looked at the sheer range of genre, style, format, and intellectual level of ll of those things as whole, you might get a feel of the fact that I'm crazy.  But if you only ever read my children's books, you would have an image in your head of an author who is very different from me.

As a reader, I try to ignore the author.  A story should stand on its own.  I shouldn't have to think about the author while reading it.  I don't care what they enjoy for breakfast, how they keep their notes, or what their family is like.  It's completely inconsequential.

Of course, when my mind wanders, I can't help but wonder those things.  And when I do, I always end up disappointed.  Authors are never the people I imagine.  That's part of why I try to ignore them.  I also keep reminding myself that one cannot judge an author as a person by the writings they create.  Hopefully you can do the same.

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