Thursday, October 22, 2009

Diaries and Journals

If you ask most people what the difference between a journal and a diary is, they will say there isn't one. Occasionally you meet people who will tell you that diaries are for girls and journals are for effeminate boys. I make an actual distinction between the two.

'Diary' comes from dia, which is the Latin word for day. A diary is a recording of the day. You write the things that happened, your thoughts about it, and anything else that comes to mind. A diary is usually a daily activity. Some entries may be larger than others depending on how much happened in a day.

'Journal' comes from journey, so it is a recording of you travels. And not just physical travels. If you started learning how to play an instrument, you could keep a journal of what you've practiced, what you've learned, and what your long- and short-term goals are. This is something you write in when you've taken a step, not just because a day has passed.

Of course, few things in life are completely simple. This blog, for example, is a blend between a journal and a diary. I write in it every day and part of it is my thoughts and feelings as they come to me. But the other part is me covering the steps of being a writer. When I learn a new technique, come up with a writing exercise, or reach certain milestones, they go up here.

I think my blog lies more toward being a journal than a diary, but that's mostly because I'd rather be an effeminate boy than a girl. I will admit that this distinction doesn't make much of a difference. People are going to write what they want to write first, and then give it a label. I don't think people decide to write a journal and then have to find out what goes inside of one. The one benefit of these distinctions, though, is that it opoens your eyes as to what can go into them. Writing your thoughts and experiences down is very helpful. It's therapeutic and helps you understand things better. When you see that there are several ways that you can organize those thoughts, you can be more encouraged to write them down.

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